Wednesday 9 September 2009

Get The Best Out Of Your Dog With These 5 Dog Training Tips

Labrador puppy undergoing training at what amounts to Dog Training School

Having difficulty with your own dog or puppy, then read the rest of this post and the tips provided on training your dog.

Dog training is often essential to your dogs happiness and your own, potty training for puppies and bad behaviour and aggression from older dogs are all probems that can be addressed by your dog having dog training. The dogs doing what comes naturally, so tread carefully. Your dog just needs a little help and guidance to get on track.

Need Help, check out the reviews of the best Dog Training guides online

To get the most out of your dog try these 5 dog training tips.

1. Although It may Be Difficult-You Need Patience

Your dog will want to please, but the first tip you must be aware of is that it will take time and patience to see changes. Its not easy for your dog, so time is needed for it to understand the changes to its normal daily living. Showing frustration to your dog is the last thing you should do.

2. Your Dog Needs Consistency

Another vital ingredient, along with time and patience is the need for a consistent approach. Once you start your training with your dog, you will need to keep it going. If you leave it for any amount of time between training sessions, your dog will forget what it has learned so far.

Schedule 15 minutes to 30 minutes out of your working day to teach your puppy or dog, and attempt to integrate something new in your training.This will allow you the time to show them new tricks apart from covering dog training associated with a particular problem.

3. Be Positive

If you have a negative attitude it effects both you and the dog, you become down and frustrated and your dog will feed off the vibes and feel down and discouraged. Human beings require reinforcement of believe when trying to attempt things in life, your dog needs no less support and encouragement.

4. Your Dog Needs The Best Training

The internet is vast and with it comes a large variety of information at your disposal.Your dog will respond to some training methods and not others.Discovering the correct training technique that works well for your dog is important.

5. Have A Fun Element To Training

Fun is required in your dog training to get the best possible results.Your dog will respond to this time because its time that is focused upon you and your dog, where training and fun can take place. Training 15 minutes to 30 minutes is just about right and your dog will enjoy this without losing focus.Toys always go down well with your dog, so integtrate them into the training and make it fun.

Finding time for your dog and having a mutual understanding is very important to your relationship you have with your dog. Your dog needs to understand how it fits in with your life and how to adapt and is relying on you to teach it the ways that will enable it to have a full and integrated life withi your family environment.

If you truly are in need of help with your dog training, check out my review site, where you will find a detailed analysis of the best Dog Training guides online

Monday 31 August 2009

Discover How Your Dog Can Get Help From Aggressive Dog Training

An aggressive dog is also an un-happy dog, and one that is often full of fear and or lacking in confidence. Aggressive dogs can exhibit their aggression for a number of reasons, sometimes their aggression can have no bounds, whether that to be to the owner, members of the family, other dogs and the public at large.

In this situation urgent attention is required before you either have to take action and have the dog put down or it’s too late and your dog attacks another dog or worse a child or family member. If you love your dog taking such action is heart breaking, but not as much as living with the guilt of taking no action and finding that another dog or possibly a child has been attacked.

With ownership of a dog comes great responsibility, in general a dogs aggression can indicate that it is shy and lacking in confidence around other humans and other dogs. In this case patience is required to gradually integrate your dog into the company of others, whether that is humans or dogs for that matter.

You need to provide your dog with time and that time needs to be consistent to make progress. If you commence aggressive dog training, you cannot do this one day and then leave it for a number of days before trying again; this will be self defeating and will not help the dog in any shape or form. So if you intend to give your dog a chance, be prepared to see it through.

Click here for a review of aggressive dog training guides available to you

Providing encouragement and praise in the right situations is vitally important, in doing so you are building the dogs confidence. If you integrate toys and play into the training regime you are making the learning experience fun.

Although this may go against the grain you should have a muzzle on your dog, mainly for precaution. Dogs often seem aggressive due not knowing what to expect from other dogs or humans for that matter, and because of this they show aggression for defence of what they don't understand.

Socializing with other dogs and humans will create new confidence and alleviate the fear once felt. In time you will be able to remove the muzzle, but only when you are confident that your dog as made sufficient progress. What you must avoid is your dog mixing with other aggressive dogs, this is like saying it’s alright and natural to act this way, also praise needs to be earned, so only apply praise when your dog has done the right thing.

You may want to carry a treat around with you so that you can reward good behaviour, when walking your dog over a period gradually release the leash. If your dog shows signs of aggression you tighten your grip, good behaviour is rewarded with a treat and praise.

Dog training is demanding and rewarding all at the same time if you can remain patient and be consistent in your training methods, out of all the issues you could have with your dog aggressive behaviour is likely to be the most challenging and the most concerning. None of us want to see our dog acting aggressively to other humans and other peoples dogs for that matter.

So if you need professional assistance with your aggressive dog training you may want to take a look at this review site of the best dog training guides online.